In theory, a resistor can have any worth from a lowest probable (such as a missile of plain silver) to a top (open air). In practice, it is surprising to find resistors with values reduction than about 0.1 Ω, or some-more than about 100 MΩ.
Resistors have been done in customary values which competence during initial appear rsther than peculiar to you. The customary numbers have been 1.0, 1.2, 1.5,1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 3.9, 4.7, 5.6, 6.8, as well as 8.2. Units have been ordinarily done with values subsequent from these values, double by a little energy of 10. Thus, we will see units of 47 Ω, 180 Ω, 6.8 KΩ, or eighteen MΩ, though not 380Ω or 650 KΩ.
Maybe you’ve wondered during a little of a resistor values which have been used in problems as well as ask questions in prior chapters. Now we know which these choices weren’t all arbitrary; they were picked to paint values we competence find in genuine circuits.
In further to a on top of values, there have been others which have been used for resistors done with larger precision, or tighter tolerance. These have been power-of-10 multiples of 1.1, 1.3, 1. 6, 2.0, 2.4, 3.0, 3.6, 4.3, 5.1, 6.2, 7.5, as well as 9.1. You don’t have to learn by heart these numbers. They’ll turn informed sufficient over time, as we work with electrical as well as electronic circuits.
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
Rabu, 29 September 2010
Selasa, 21 September 2010
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dan saya bersekola di SMK NEGERI 2 TELUK KUANTAN RSBI
dan saya masuk ke SMK ini karna sangat disiplin dan bermutu.
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